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World Bank: Functions, Objectives and Purposes

Updated: Apr 26, 2023


World Bank

The bank is internationally recognized and supported and provides technical and financial assistance to many developing countries in the world. Also, it aids their advancement, in an economy with a primary goal of reducing poverty. The World Bank has the largest knowledge of developing countries. Also, they are the largest source when it comes to funding.

Functions of the World Bank:

  • It helps the war-devastated countries by granting them loans for reconstruction.

  • Thus, they provide extensive experience and the financial resources of the bank help the poor countries increase their economic growth, reducing poverty and a better standard of living.

  • Also, it helps the underdeveloped countries by granting development loans.

  • So, it also provides loans to various governments for irrigation, agriculture, water supply, health, education, etc.

  • It promotes foreign investments to other organisations by guaranteeing the loans.

  • Also, the world bank provides economic, monetary, and technical advice to the member countries for any of their projects.

  • Thus, it encourages the development of-industries in underdeveloped countries by introducing the various economic reforms.

Objectives of the World Bank:

  • This includes providing long term capital to its member nations for economic development and reconstruction.

  • Thus, it helps in inducing long term capital for improving the balance of payments and thereby balancing international trade.

  • Also, it helps by providing guarantees against loads granted to large and small units and other products for the member nation.

  • So, it ensures that the development projects are implemented. Thus, it brings a sense of transparency for a nation from war-time to a peaceful economy.

  • Also, it promotes the capital investment for member nations by providing a guarantee for capital investment and loans.

  • So, if the capital investment is not available then it provides the guarantee and then IBRD provides loans for promotional activities on specific conditions.

Purposes of the World Bank:

  • It wants to create an environment that is pro-investment.

  • Also, it wants to improve the economic stability by reducing poverty.

  • So, it is working towards achieving sustainable growth.

  • Increasing the opportunities for jobs and business in member nations which are underdeveloped.

  • Through investment, it plans to promote the socio-economic status of the society.

  • Also, it wants to ensure that the judicial and legal systems are developed and individual rights are protected.

  • Strengthening the government of its member nations by promoting education.

  • Combating corruption and to ensure that there are adequate training opportunities and research facilities.

  • It wants to provide loans with low-interest rates and interest free credits.

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